1 organized the toys left downstairs.
2 took down B's bed
3 moved B's dresser into the girls room
4 sold the trundle bed and put up a bunk bed
5 got those organized toys upstairs into the new playroom.
Then in less than 4 hours the girls got our every toy they own and trashed the new playroom. But with some great organization they can put it all where it goes pretty quickly.We are also recycling our 2001 Sony Trinitron WEGA TV. It is a flat display. Granted it is about 3 feet deep and weighs more than the girls put together times 4.) We got a new TV for downstairs that I can lift by myself, also a flat screen just one of those new fangled 4 inch deep ones. Tom is VERY VERY EXCITED. something about a Nuggies game tonight. We will be able to see every fan in the stands.