Monday, June 20, 2011

Week of Bar Desserts

We will not be eating this week. ;-) We are going to spend the week at the Bar.

Monday - Rocky Road Brownies
Tuesday - Butterscotch BrowniesWednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -

Enjoy the decadence.

Double-Nut Maple Bars
Oatmeal Coconut Raspberry Bars
The Ultimate Lemon Butter Bar

Monday, June 13, 2011

School’s out for summer

School’s out tomorrow and to celebrate (and help out some friends because it is a half day) we will be having a party in the afternoon. We will be doing a summer scrapbook kit for the girls to use for the summer.

Foodies: Making a 9 x 13 cake and will frost it white with a border. The girls will be given fruit roll ups and some scissors to cut out summer shapes to decorate it with. Cannot wait to see what it looks like.

Craft: Decorate our scrapbooks

Scrapbook supplies:

Mini scrapbook (1 for each guest)

Alphabet stickers

Scrapbook papers in variety of designs


Die cuts

Gel pens and markers

Double sided tape and glue sticks

To take home:

Got some clear expandable snap files

Each one has the following:

Disposable camera

Stickers divided out what was left over from decorating our scrapbooks

Die cuts again divided out what was left over from decorating our scrapbooks

Rubber stamps (there was a dollar section at Michael’s a few weeks ago and I had a 20% off entire order coupon – dropped them down to 80 cents apiece.)

Gel pens divided out what we used to decorate our scrapbooks

Photo corners 1 box divided between the 5 girls

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Menu for the Week

A few days left of school this week and then we will truly be into a summer menu.

Monday -- Chicken Salad and Salad

Tuesday -- Altered Asian Enchiladas

Wednesday -- Baked English Omlette

Thursday -- French Dip with Au Jus  - yummy au jus!  but you can just get a packet if you are in a rush.

Friday -- Pork chops  - been making this one for 10 years and anytime I branch out with another pork chop recipe I get the ultimate question from my hubby.  "Why are you trying to fix what ain't broke?"  ** I substitute 1 tblsp. lemon pepper for the lemon peel and sage.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Weekly Menu

Monday - Spinach Salad

Tuesday - Seafood Pasta
The rest of the shrimp from last week and imitation crab was on sale

Wednesday - Steak!
Tenderize and throw on some Chicago/ Montreal Steak seasoning letting hubby get his practice on the new grill.

Thursday - Monte Cristo

Field Day – Ordering pizza with friends after school

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Playing with your food - Rice Crispy Sushi

M is fascinated with anything Japanese.  This could be because she is named after my best friend from Japan.  She loves real sushi but we found a great recipe for desserts sushi and a great chance to play with our food.
Very easy.  Make a batch of Rice Krispie Treats.  Make your shapes with Fruit Roll Ups.  Multi Colored Airheads.  Gummy Worms. And Swedish fish. 

1. Sushi Rolls: Prepare a 13-inch x 9-inch pan by lining it with wax paper and greasing it. Place the Rice Krispies Treats on it in a thin layer.

2. Place a row of sour gummy worms about an inch in from one of the 9-inch edges. Using different colors, place a second and third row next to the first.

3. Using the wax paper, roll the cereal mixture once around the gummy worms, pressing firmly. Use a large knife to cut the log away from the rest of the mixture. Place it to the side and repeat the process once.

4. Slice the logs into 1-inch rounds. Wrap each round in a strip of green or blue Fruit Roll-Ups.

5. Cut the remaining Rice Krispies Treats into 1-inch x 2-inch rectangles.

6. Soften AirHeads in the microwave for 8 to 10 seconds, then mold them like clay into the desired shape.

7. Cut thin strips of contrasting colored AirHeads to resemble the lines found on sushi. (For an easier version, use fish-shaped gummies. Place the fish on top of a Rice Krispies rectangle and wrap with a strip of green or blue Fruit Roll-Ups.) Makes about 24 pieces.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Medical Release Form


We, __ __________________________ __, delegate our authority to consent for the health care of our minor child, ______________________________, for a period of time when we will not be reasonably available to exercise our authority.

We delegate our authority for consent to ________________________________________________.

This authorization of consent is to be exercised in good faith and in the best interest of our minor child.

This authorization of consent becomes effective on the

______ day of __________, ______ and will continue until the _________ day of ____________, 20__.

Dated this _______ day of ___________________, 20 _____.

______ __________________________________________________ _________________, Appointers


X ___________________________________________________

(Parent/Guardian signature)

Address ___________________________________________________
Phone ___________________________________________________

I declare that I am an adult at least eighteen (18) years of age and that at the request of the above named, I witness the signing of this document by the appointer on the date noted above.

(Please print)

X __________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________________________

Phone ____________________________________________________________________________________

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++__________________________________________ ________

Family Physician_____________________________________


Insurance Carrier____________________________________

Medical Insurance Subscriber ID / Group Number


Card Number


Member’s Name and date of Birth


Claim Address





Allergies, if any, including medication:




Chronic or existing diseases or medical problems (i.e.

Diabetes, epilepsy):




Medicines your child is taking now:



In an emergency, parents can be reached as follows:

_Home ______________________________¬______________

_Mother Work__ ____________________________________

_Father Work_______________________________________

_Mother Mobile _____________________________________

_Father Mobile______________________________________



Vacation with Grandparents

M is spending a month with my parents for summer break. Actually she will tell you she is spending 35 days. She is joining the 34% of children who spend their vacation time with relatives. This would not be so nerve wracking if they did not live three states away.

My parents see this as a wonderful opportunity to spoil her rotten. They have mentioned it numerous times in our planning stages. Now, I understand it is a grandparent’s privilege to do a certain amount of spoiling. That’s pretty much a given. But I am hoping that their tried and true parenting skills also kick in and give her a modicum of discipline too.

Some planning tips we have garnered over the last few weeks:

  • Get a “Consent for Healthcare” form notarized in the unlikely event that said child will need Medical Treatment. If he/she has to go to the Emergency Room or doctor for any reason, this form will allow the grandparents permission to make medical decisions. It also contains insurance information, family doctor information, allergy information etc. You can even make it have a start and end date if it makes you feel better.
  • Get an extra set of insurance cards for said child. Most insurance companies will issue extra cards at no charge. This way the grandparents have the insurance card for your child if they do need to visit a doctor. As an aside, you can also get additional Health Savings Account (HSA) credit cards issued in the grandparent’s name for use over the vacation for potential doctor’s bills. 
  • Is your child participating in an activity at the grandparents that will require a waiver to be signed? For example: a class that they will be taking with the grandparent. Get a copy of that sent to you to be signed prior. This relieves the potential of the grandparent’s signature not being accepted on the waiver. 
  • Phone. We looked into getting a pre-paid cell for her trip, but found that adding another phone to our current family plan would be cheaper (even with the required service agreement). She will be able to call us anytime and we are able to block most unwanted features on the phone. This way she does not eat into my parents minutes and we can monitor the phone.
As the time nears we get more and more nervous about M being gone so long. She on the other hand is getting more and more excited.