Friday, February 19, 2010

rhinoplasty and dental work

M is wiggling her first loose tooth! Big girl school, big girl teeth. I am sure there is a boyfriend around the corner and Hubby will be getting ready to fend off the hoards of boys who will be sniffing around. I am as excited as she is to lose a tooth and have the Tooth Fairy visit, but it still makes me want to cry. She is my BABY!
A week later after B's sidewalk rhinoplasty. (She face planted last week at her aunt and uncle's and then was hit in the face with an RC car.) Oh the blood. Never thought a nose could bleed that much.

She found the owie a good chance to make a fashion statement with band aids. We went through Dora, Barbie and Hello Kitty.

You would never know that it was a big ole scab underneath. She hated taking the band aids off though. Hubby's cousin's wife Nancy gave us some terrific advice though and a little mineral oil took most of the sticky off when the band aids had to be changed.

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