Thursday, May 26, 2011

Chore Chart

There are alot of opinions out there about allowances and chores.  How you should not give your kids an allowance based on the chores they do around the house.  Allowances are for teaching them how to manage money etc.  I do not agree. 

My kiddos are expected to do certain things without monetary compensation: pick up their toys, make sure their clothes go into the laundry basket.  Basic chores of cleaning up after themselves are a given in our household to be done because they live here too.  They are members of a family.  Other chores, however, are compensated.  Dusting.  Cleaning the toilet, sink and mirror in the bathrooms.  Vacuuming.  

I think that in teaching them about managing money we need also to teach them that a paycheck/allowance does not just come to you on a Saturday morning without doing something in return.  We have a chore chart that shows what they can do and what dollar (cents actually) amount they can earn.  My parents actually paid me an hourly wage for chores when I was a teenager.  If it took me 15 minutes to vacuum the downstairs, I logged it on my weekly time card.  Ours are still a little young for that,  but in the future I think that is what we will end up with.

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