Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Coloring hard boiled eggs for Layered Salad

Hey, it is not Easter.  But the requirement of hard boiled eggs for our Monday salad added some fun to dinner.  Post Easter sales had egg coloring kits for 25 cents.  I stocked up on quite a few so we could have fun year round.

We had a phenomenal time coloring our hard boiled eggs for our layered salad. 

2 bags of favorite lettuce greens
8 ounces, Baby Spinach, Washed And Dried
Salt And Pepper, to taste
8 whole Hard Boiled Eggs, Chopped (I use my pastry blender to make slices)
16 ounces, Bacon, Cooked And Chopped
5 tomatoes, Chopped
8 ounces, Cheddar Cheese, Grated
1 bag frozen peas, thawed
½ cup mayonnaise
½ cup sour cream
1 Tablespoon Sugar (to taste)

In a bowl (clear glass makes more of a statement), layer salad ingredients in the order above, make sure the ingredients are around the edge of the bowl.  Fill in the center with lettuce, if needed.

Combine dressing ingredients in a separate bowl and mix well. Pour over the top of the peas and spread to cover.

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