Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Crafty Kids

I have a folder for craft ideas for the week. This keeps the girls busy while I am trying to organize dinner or just have some quiet time.

Start with a regular letter size file folder.
Fold it in half so the tabs line up:

Make a sharp crease so it will not go back to the original fold. I use a popsicle sticck.
Fold it in half, lining up the fold at the bottom of the tabs, as shown:
Crease it sharply and then open flat.
Fold up the bottom section so that the bottom is at your desired pocket height:

Ta Da.  Now you have a handy folder for putting your crafts.

Now all you have to do is decorate your folder with stamps and/or decorative paper, and labels.

It has sections for four crafts at a time. We never seem to complete more than two during the week anyway. I print out the craft with the materials needed at the top so that when I fold and place them in the folder those show at the top. This way I can see easily when I am shopping and can grab anything extra we may need.

I also have another in my purse for coupons, receipts and the list of generally forgotten groceries that never seem to make the list when I go shopping on Sunday.

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