Spring cleaning overtook our house and with the clutter gone I have time to update. The winter clothes are put away. What is this? SNOW on May 2nd? Maybe I was a bit hasty with that. We have de-cluttered the garage and sent a lot of things packing. Most notably, the hot tub that has taken up residence in our garage for 5 years left yesterday on some guy’s trailer. Thank you www.freecycle.org. The girls were so excited. B. for the first time saw what a garage should look like. She even made a comment about not having to walk around it to get to other things.
Books, clothes and the like made their way to ww.thredup.com. I am donating my box choices to a military family so we do not replace what is going out the door. Towels that were not used or frayed to the point that hubby did not want to wash anymore went to the animal shelter. They love getting towels and blankets alike. Something warm for that cold concrete floor.
The girls organized their toys back into the appropriate boxes. Dress up, Little People (nope, B is not ready to get rid of those yet), dolls, building toys and the newest addition to their toy bins: Barbie. We finally broke down at Christmas and allowed Barbie into our home. We have some older styles from the neighbor girls and some new mermaids and the ever famous Pet Vet Barbie. This is M’s fave since that is what she is planning on becoming when she grows up. Oh, and a teacher, cowgirl, AND a Bronco’s cheerleader. We are encouraging all of them right now. She has another 15 years to pick.
On a personal note, I did a monthly meal plan this month. I have always done the meal planning thing, but usually a week at a time. However, I was lazy the last couple of weeks. This caused a rash of eating out and poor nutrition. We are back on track for May. Monday is Salad Day. Tuesday: things with Chicken. Wednesday is Pork. Thursday is not so much a food group but crockpot only (will explain below). Friday is Fish. (Not for reasons of Lent) Saturday: Scrounge what you can, culminating in Sunday: family style sit down relaxing comfort foods. Menu is set. Grocery lists planned. Let’s get cooking. A whole month! WOW!
So why is Thursday crockpot only? Because Thursday for the last three weeks has been meltdown day for both girls. The intensity of school hits M by the time homework rolls around Thursday afternoon. B just has had enough preschool and being away from Mommy and Daddy. So Thursday I will not be in the kitchen cooking dinner when we get home. We will be able to have about 45 minutes to an hour more time to share together. This will hopefully fend off the nuclear family meltdown.
I will post my menu tomorrow.
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